Shop > Essays

  1. Édouard Glissant and Hans Ulrich Obrist: Archipelago
  2. The Vermin Issue 02: Against Pleasure
  3. Charmaine Lurch, Katherine McKittrick, and Cristian Ordóñez: Twenty Dreams
  4. Bracy Appeikumoh: Why Have There Been No Great Women Eroticists?
  5. Yaniya Lee: Selected Writing on Black Canadian Art
  6. The Vermin: Issue 01
  7. Randy Lee Cutler: Invisible Forces
  8. Jessica Field: Photodynamic Art Generator V2
  9. E.Jane: Where there’s love overflowing
  10. Cathy Park Hong: Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning
  11. Trophy Human
  12. Marina Roy: Queuejumping
  13. Martha Rosler: Culture Class
  14. Jenine Marsh: Ecstatic Essays No. 04: The Mastication of Alina Szapocznikow
  15. Casey Wei: Ecstatic Essays No. 03: Ozu’s Seasons
  16. David Bradford: Ecstatic Essays No. 01: Nell Zink Is Damn Free
  17. C Magazine 131
  18. Jon Raymond: The Community
  19. (parenthetical) Issue 12
  20. Afterimage Vol 43, No. 5
  21. Duncan MacDonald: Little Revolutions
  22. Draw it with your Eyes Closed
  23. Out
  24. Stephen Wetzel: Occasional Performances and Wayward Writings
  25. Joan Jonas: In the Shadow a Shadow
  26. ArtForum October 2015
  27. Due to Injuries...
  28. The Bells
  29. Breaking the Codex
  30. Michal Budny
  31. Happy Hypocrite Issue 7
  32. Ines Lechleitner: The Imagines
  33. Editorial Magazine Issue 13
  34. Carl Trahan - Notte Elettrica
  35. Daytrip Issue No. 2
  36. Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Volume 14 Number 2
  37. Jeff Dersken: Jeff Derksen: After Euphoria
  38. Art or Sound
  39. Provence Summer Reader
  40. Zug Magazine Issue 8
  41. Paul Chan: 2000 Words
  42. Cabinet Magazine: Issue 54
  43. Afterimage Vol. 42, no. 4
  44. Parkett #94
  45. Claudia La Rocco: The Best Most Useless Dress
  46. MAY Issue 13
  47. Afterimage Vol. 42 No. 3
  48. Raqs Media Collective: Casebook
  49. Staffan Boije af Gennäs, Sidsel Meineche Hansen, Niels Henriksen, and Amelia Ishmael: J’ai Froid
  50. Voluspå
  51. Brit Barton, Max Guy, Irena Haiduk, Michael Harrison, and Matthew Goulish: Max Guy: But tell me, is it a civilized country?
  52. Buseje Bailey and Yaniya Lee: Buseje Bailey : Reasons Why We Have to Disappear Every Once in a While
  53. Ramon Amaro, James Bridle, Kodwo Eshun, Jennifer Gabrys, Tom Holert, Murad Khan, Doreen Mende, Matteo Pasquinelli, Laura Lo Presti, Patricia Reed, Mariana Silva, Nikolay Smirnov, Oraib Toukan, and Brian Kuan Wood: Navigation Beyond Vision
  54. Zinnia Naqvi: Yours to Discover
  55. Jacqui Arntfield, Ellen Bleiwas, Emily DiCarlo, Simon Fuh, Chris Mendoza, Matt Nish-Lapidus, Dana Prieto, Mehrnaz Rohbakhsh, and St Marie φ Walker: we imitate sleep to dream of dissent
  56. William Wegman: Writing by Artist
  57. Adrian Piper: Unbidden Tongues #3: Necessary Questions
  58. Seyoung Yoon: Cloud Bridge
  59. Amy Sillman: Faux Pas. Selected Writings and Drawings
  60. Zdenka Badovinac: Unannounced Voices
  61. Christina Battle and Olivia Mossuto: Seeds as Data (what we lose when the universal becomes proprietary)
  62. Liz Magor: Subject to Change: Writings and Interviews
  63. On Whiteness: The Racial Imaginary Institute
  64. Caterina Albano: Out of Breath
  65. ARTZINES #16  Housewife Special
  66. Coyote Park: Heart of a Shapeshifter
  67. Jalal Toufic: What Was I Thinking?
  68. Radicalizing Care
  69. Keavy Martin and Dylan Robinson: Arts of Engagement
  70. James Baldwin: The Fire Next Time
  71. Brené Brown  and Tarana Burke: You Are Your Best Thing: Vulnerability, Shame Resilience, and the Black Experience
  72. Noah LeBien: Betraying Authority: Fragments on Queer Art
  73. Be Oakley : GenderFail: An Anthology on Failure 2: Building on our Failed States
  74. Be Oakley  and Noah LeBien: GenderFail Reader 1 + 2 + 3 - 23 Essays 318 pages
  75. Be Oakley : Radical Softness as a Boundless Form of Resistance Reader
  76. Lillian O’Brien Davis: Santa Baby
  77. Sojourner Truth: Ain’t I a Woman?
  78. Anuradha Vikram: Decolonizing Culture
  79. Dodie Bellamy: When the Sick Rule the World
  80. Zadie Smith: Intimations
  81. Nic Wilson: Still Life With Dying Flowers
  82. Lisa Robertson’s Magenta Soul Whip
  83. Lisa Robertson: Occasional Works and Seven Walks from the Office for Soft Architecture
  84. George Orwell: Books V. Cigarettes
  85. Chris Kraus and David Rattray: How I Became One of the Invisible
  86. Sherrie Levine
  87. Artists’ Prints and Multiples
  88. Issues Magazine - Winter 2018
  89. Francis Mckee: Long Distance Operators
  90. RM Vaughan: Compared to Hitler
  91. Júlia Ayerbe: Queer City, a reader
  92. Patricia Corcoran, Durable Good, Jonathan Griffin, Kelly Jazvac, Kelly Jazvac, and Kirsty Robertson: Kelly Jazvac; Plastiglomerates
  93. Zoë Dodd and Alexander McClelland: Thoughts on an anarchist response to Hepatitis C & HIV
  94. Tara Cooper and Jenn Law: Printopolis
  95. Walter Benjamin and Carl Skoggard: Walter Benjamin’s Berlin Childhood circa 1900
  96. Alan Moore and Alan Smart: Making Room: Cultural Production in Occupied Spaces
  97. Commodities Among Themselves
  98. Forms of Education: Couldn’t Get a Sense of It
  99. C Magazine 132
  100. PUBLIC 54
  101. Thinking Space
  102. Elizabeth Hall: I Have Devoted My Life to the Clitoris
  103. The Great Discontent Issue 04
  104. Liz Magor
  105. Prefix Photo Issue 33
  106. Modern Laundry
  107. Little Brother Magazine No.6
  108. Hannah Black: Dark Pool Party
  109. Ryan Foerster: Shoot the Lobster
  110. Travis Diehl: Spiralogues
  111. X-TRA Volume 18, No. 3
  112. Chantal Pontbriand: Parachute: The Anthology, Vol. IV
  113. C Magazine #129
  114. Rereading Appropriation
  115. Cabinet 58: Theft
  116. On Fire
  117. Michalis Pichler: Thirteen Years: The materialization of ideas from 2002 to 2015
  118. Vestoj Issue 6: On Failure
  119. Theory Boner 2
  120. X-TRA Volume 18, No. 2
  121. Kenneth Goldsmith: Capital
  122. Speculations
  123. Civic City Cahier 6
  124. Civic City Cahier 4
  125. Real Estates
  126. The Benefit of Friends Collected
  127. X-TRA Volume 18 Number 1
  128. The Great Discontent - Issue 3
  129. The Outpost Issue 6 Summer 2015
  130. Scapegoat Journal Issue 8
  131. Archenemy Magazine 005
  132. Carousel 35
  133. Alberto García del Castillo: Retrospective
  134. Agnes Martin
  135. Aesthetics of the Flesh
  136. Modern Monsters
  137. Truth is Concrete
  138. Afterimage vol. 43 No. 1 & 2
  139. Aesthetic Basic Chronicle, Vol. 1
  140. Michel Auder: Stories, Myths, Ironies, and Other Songs: Conceived, Directed, Edited, and Produced by M. Auder
  141. Art and the F Word
  142. Troubling Research
  143. Riot Act
  144. Mousse Magazine #49
  145. The Future of the Skyscraper
  146. Border Crossings Issue 134, No. 2
  147. October Magazine Issue 152
  148. Yoko Ono: One Woman Show, 1960–1971
  150. Niels Van Tomme: Visibility Machines
  151. Dane Mitchell: Radiant Matter 1/11/111
  152. Benjamin Buchloh: Formalism and Historicity
  153. Michael Snow: Photo-Centric
  154. Eileen Myles: The Importance of Being Iceland
  155. Systems
  156. Thanks for the View, Mr. Mies
  157. Raphael Rubinstein: The Miraculous
  158. X-Tra Volume 17 Number 3
  159. Mousse #46
  160. Parachute: The Anthology, Vol. III
  161. Museum of the Future
  162. Sophie Berrebi: The Shape of Evidence
  163. I Cancel All My Works at Death
  164. Border Crossings Issue No. 133
  165. Aperture 217: Lit
  166. Terms of Exhibiting (From A to Z)
  167. Subculturcide: Amar y vivir en el Madrid de los 2010
  168. Silke Otto-Knapp: Questions of Travel
  169. Cultures of the Curatorial 2: Timing: On the Temporal Dimension of Exhibiting
  170. The Phantom of Liberty
  171. Jalal Toufic: Forthcoming
  172. Hito Steyerl: Too Much World
  173. Forensis
  174. Carola Dertnig and Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein: Performing the Sentence
  175. Michael Schindhelm: Solution 262: Lavapolis
  176. Per/Form
  177. Why Painting Now?
  178. NDP #4
  179. Sweet Sixties
  180. John Fahey: Paintings
  181. Bauhaus No. 6 Schlemmer!
  182. Fabian Reimann: Another Earth Catalogue
  183. The City As A Project
  184. F.R. David: Summer 2011 - Spin Cycle
  185. Carolee Schneemann: Cezanne, She was a Great Painter
  186. The Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook
  187. Paul Chan: Selected Writings 2000-2014
  188. Paul Chan: Selected Works
  189. Seth Price: 2000 Words
  190. Apology Magazine, Issue 3, Winter 2014
  191. The Essential Cy Twombly
  192. ZERO: Countdown to Tomorrow, 1950s-60s
  193. Paul Chan: Selected Writings 2000 - 2014
  194. Peter Sloterdijk: Globes
  195. David Balzer: Curationism
  196. The Outpost Issue 5 Fall 2014
  197. Steve Reich: Writings about Music
  198. F. R. David, Spring 2014, “All Distinctions Are Mind, By Mind, Of Mind“
  199. F.R. David 9 Spring 2012 “This Is Not New Of Course“
  200. F. R. David Summer 2010, “With Love“
  201. Alison Britton: Seeing Things (Collected Writing On Art, Craft And Design)
  202. Little Brother Magazine No. 4
  203. Walter Benjamin: Recent Writings
  204. WORN Fashion Journal, Issue 17: Where Ideas Get Dressed