Shop > Catalogue

  1. Xuan Ye: EveryLetterCyborg Bites
  2. Sarah Cook, Germaine Koh, Mark Miessen, and Yulia Startsev: Germaine Koh: Weather Systems
  3. Ian Carr-Harris and Yvonne Lammerich: Voices: artists on art
  4. Maurizio Nannucci: Top Hundred
  5. Holly Ward: Planned Peasanthood
  6. Mary Kavanagh - Daughters of Uranium
  7. Lynn Bannon, Adad Hannah, and Lindsey V. Sharman: Adad Hannah
  8. Emelie Chhangur, Ryan Doherty, Derek Liddington , and Fabien Maltais-Bayda: Derek Liddington: the body will always bend before it breaks, the tower will always break before it bends the tower will always break before it bends, the body will always bend before it breaks
  9. Althea Thauberger: The State of the Situation
  10. Geoffrey Farmer: The Surgeon and the Photographer
  11. A Glass House Should Hold No Terrors
  12. Peter Rozek: BC TO BC
  13. Duncan MacDonald: Little Revolutions
  14. Oscar Figueroa: Less than a First Draft (Testing)
  15. Drunk Complexions
  16. Out
  17. Michael Snow - Sequences
  18. Brian Sharp: Paintings
  19. Mark Lewis: Inventio
  20. Hamish Fulton and Michael Höpfner: Canto di strada
  21. Jim Verburg: A New Relationship Between Reflective Sides
  22. Neue Slowenische Kunst: NSK from Kapital to Capital
  23. Due to Injuries...
  24. The Bells
  25. Carsten Holler: Leben
  26. Kevin Schmidt: EDM House
  27. Clearing
  28. Carl Trahan - Notte Elettrica
  29. Amc2 Journal Issue 4
  30. Amc2 Journal Issue 12: Shining in Absence
  31. Clubgoers
  32. Tyler Coburne: I’m that angel
  33. Reto Pulfer: Der Themenkatalog
  34. Cory Arcangel: All the Small Things
  35. Ryan Gander: Culturefield
  36. Robert Seydel: A Picture is Always a Book
  37. Precarious Solidarities: Artists for Democracy 1974-77
  38. Maurizio Nannucci: Always Endeavor To Find Some Interesting Variation
  39. Milena Mercer : Altered States
  40. Whispers That Got Away
  41. Jonathan Monk: In Relief (my collection of Sol LeWitt books - exact size, shape and occasionally colour), 2015
  42. Li Mu: Qiuzhuang Project - A Man, A Village, A Museum
  43. Elise Windsor: HEAVY ON ULTRAMARINE - Centrefold
  44. John Hampton: Why Can’t Minimal (Catalogue)
  45. General Idea: Showcards
  46. Ryan Foerster: Shoot the Lobster
  47. Nathaniel Russell: Stars Etcetera
  48. Nathaniel Russell: failed memoirs.
  49. William J. O’Brien: Ceramic Heads
  50. Shio Kusaka: Pots
  51. Dieter Roth: Reykjavik Slides
  52. Lucy Lippard: 4,492,040
  53. Shary Boyle and Emily Vey Duke: The Illuminations Project
  55. Museum Off Museum
  56. The Reluctant Narrator
  57. Michel Auder: Stories, Myths, Ironies, and Other Songs: Conceived, Directed, Edited, and Produced by M. Auder
  58. Louise Bourgeois: I Have Been to Hell and Back
  59. Yoko Ono: One Woman Show, 1960–1971
  60. Acid Sweat Lodge: Rock and Roll Meeting
  61. Ragnar Kjartansson: The Visitors
  62. Reto Pulfer: Der Grottenkatalog
  63. Dane Mitchell: Radiant Matter 1/11/111
  64. Ragnar Kjartansson: To Music
  65. Ragnar Kjartansson: Take Me Here by the Dishwasher
  66. Works on Paper
  67. Seth Price: Folklore U.S.
  68. Michael Snow: Photo-Centric
  69. Isa Genzken
  70. John Miller: Mike Kelley
  71. Sam Falls: Ferns and Palms
  72. Semina Culture: Wallace Berman & His Circle
  73. Björk
  74. Ray Johnson: Not Nothing
  75. Brian Roettinger: Reproductions
  76. Raymond Pettibon: Surfers: 1985–2014
  77. Dorothy Iannone: Censorship and the Irrepressible Drive Toward Love and Divinity
  78. Ray Johnson
  79. Alfredo Jaar: Tonight No Poetry Will Serve
  80. Gran Fury: Read My Lips
  81. I Cancel All My Works at Death
  82. Bernadette Corporation: 2000 Wasted Years
  83. Laura Letinsky: Ill Form and Void Full
  84. Sturtevant: Double Trouble
  85. Roni Horn: Everything was sleeping as if the universe were a mistake
  86. Muntadas: Stadium