Shop > Feminist Theory

  1. Marisol de la Cadena, Miguel A. López, Camila Marambio, José de Nordenflycht, Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Cecilia Vicuna, and Catherine de Zegher: DREAMING WATER A RETROSPECTIVE OF THE FUTURE (1964-...)
  2. Johanna Householder and Tanya Mars: More Caught in the Act
  3. Future Diasporas: Culture, Art, Identity, Space
  4. Daniel Alexander and Sara Knelman: Lady Readers
  5. Lesley Johnstone, Bernard Lamarche, and Lynne Marsh: Lynne Marsh
  6. Guerilla Girls: Confessions of the Guerrilla Girls
  7. Chris Blache, Nicole Burisch, Larissa Fassler, Shauna Janssen, Pascale Lapalud, Diana Sherlock, Fiona Shipwright, and Karen Till: Larissa Fassler: Viewshed
  8. Janet McCalman: Unbidden Tongues #4: Oral Informants
  9. Mindy Seu: Cyberfeminism Index
  10. Max Haiven and Cassie Thornton: The Hologram
  11. Maria Lind, Michele Masucci, and Joanna Warsza: Red Love
  12. LIES Volume II
  13. John Orentlicher and Lisa Steele: Activating the Archive 3: Finding the DIFFEREN(t)CE
  14. Barbara Debeuckelaere: Om (Mother)
  15. Jamey Braden: SHE _____ THE _____
  16. Lizzie Borden, Kay Higgins, and Am Johal: Below the Radar: Lizzie Borden
  17.  Mozhgan Mahjoob: UNDER THE SKY BENEATH THE MOON
  18. Femme Art Review Issue 3
  19. Rachel James: An Eros Encyclopedia
  20. GenderFail, Two Anthologies on Failure 2022
  21. Lauren Fournier: Autotheory as Feminist Practice in Art, Writing, and Criticism
  22. Radicalizing Care
  23. Kathryn Yusoff: A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None
  24. A Documentary HerStory of Women Artists in Revolution
  25. Sophia Yadong Hao: Of Other Spaces
  26. Legacy Russell: Glitch Feminism
  27. Kirsten Grimstad and Susan Rennie: The New Woman’s Survival Catalog
  28. EMILIA-AMALIA Set of 5 Chapbooks: More Dust in Our Houses Less Dust on Our Brains
  29. EMILIA-AMALIA Chapbook 5: Syllabus/Workbook
  30. EMILIA-AMALIA Chapbook 1: Affidamento/Entrustment
  31. Liz Barr: Conditioner
  32. Olivia Boudreau, Marie-Claude Bouthillier, Marie-Èva Charron, Sophie Bélair Clément, Sorel, Philippe Dumaine, Vera Frenkel, Andrea Geyer, Cynthia Girard-Renard, Raphaëlle de Groot, Clara Gutsche, Rashid Johnson, arkadi lavoie lachapelle, Marie-Josée Lafortune, and Suzy Lak: Archi-féministes!
  33. Cécile B. Evans, Cao Fei, Elsa Himmer, Lynn Hershmann Leeson, Shana Moulton, Heike Munder, Paul B. Preciado, Frances Stark, Wu Tsang, Anna Uddenberg, VNS Matrix, Yvonne Volkart, Joanna Walsh, Guan Xiao, and Anicka Yi: Producing Futures
  34. EMILIA-AMALIA set: Chapbooks 2 & 4
  35. EMILIA-AMALIA Session I: Chapbook 2 Translation/Annotation
  36. Fermenting Feminism
  37. Siona Wilson: Art Labor, Sex Politics
  38. LIES Volume I
  39. RANDY 2010-2013
  40. Hannah Black: Dark Pool Party
  41. Rereading Appropriation