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The Narrative Body

Eldon Garnet
Artists' Books
17.8 × 23 × 0.9 cm

Contains the following essays: Ball-of-Fat/Bouille de Suif, by Sylvere Lotringer; Book Worms and Needle Eyes, by Bruce W. Ferguson; The Pitfalls of Post-Modernism/De Valkutlen Van Het Postmodernisme, by Paul Groot. Illustrations in b/w.

  1. The Narrative Body

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  5. Eldon Garnet: Categories of Dissapearance (limited signed and numbered edition with artist print)
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  7. Eldon Garnet: This man, Adam
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  9. Erasure
  10. Ryan Foerster
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  12. Filipe Casaca: my home is where you are (a minha casa é onde estás)
  13. Impulse Magazine Volume 4 Number 2 1975
  14. The Adventures of Nar Duell in Second Life – Finding TrackHouse
  15. Impulse Magazine Volume 10 Number 3 1983
  16. Air Show
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  18. Impulse Magazine Volume 10 Number 1 1982
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