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Espace 114: Fall 2016: Faces

22 × 28 × 1 cm
124 pp
Contemporary Art, Criticism, Interview

Our relationship to the face, this frontal part of the head that is linked to what is most intimate in the human being, often serves to inspire various interventions of an aesthetic or political order. Does the face, which for a long time was considered “the symbol not only of the spirit, but also of an unmistakable personality,” still have this dignity today? In its etymological sense, the visage is what sees and what is seen. It is characterized by its visibility. This visibility inevitably has a socio-political dimension that is inherent in public space. As a signifying surface that is offered and presented according to one’s values and culture, the face in all its diversity appears in a face-to-face situation. Moreover, the face cannot be thought about without the contribution of the other, without the other face. It fosters bonds and a sense of community. In our hypermodern societies these principles, still viewed by many as self evident, are not unanimously adhered to.

Softcover, perfect-bound, b&w and colour.

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