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PS: : Jahresring 61: Jahrbuch für moderne Kunst

Sternberg Press
6.8 × 9.5 in
248 pages
Contemporary Art

The Jahrespring series, the longest continually published annual journal for contemporary art in Germany, embraces diverse voices and forms of writing and thinking about contemporary art and culture. The 61st edition is a reader and visual sampler with contributions by visual artists, writers, poets, musicians, choreographers, and designers. Lectures, scripts, interviews and conversations, performative texts, poetry, short stories and biographical fiction are interspersed with image-based work. Its discursive, intertextual and interdisciplinary approach explores the contemporary cultural resonances in gender and sexuality. The title, PS (or postscript), suggests the place where these implicit relations are revealed. Over 30 contributors including Manuela Ammer, Julie Ault, Monika Baer, Nairy Baghramian, Gerry Bibby, Jennifer Bornstein, Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Dragana Bulut, Françoise Cactus, Leidy Churchman, Ann Cotten, Juan Davila, Dominic Eichler, Elmgreen & Dragset, Yusuf Etiman, Isa Genzken, Margaret Harrison, Janette Laverrière, Adam Linder, Lee Lozano, Charlie Le Mindu, Shahryar Nashat, Stephen Prina, Ming Wong and more.

  1. PS:

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