“One Hundred Year Star-Diary” is a calendar that details all the major astronomical events visible from the earth between 2008-2108, mapping and dating the major celestial events in the northern and southern hemisphere during that period; eclipses, occultations and transits, comets and near-Earth objects.
The stars, thousands of scattered tiny points of light, are the largest thing we will ever see; larger than our mind has any way of comprehending; and when we consider the stars we gain an imaginary viewpoint, realizing that our home, the earth, is suspended in cosmic space. The Star-Diary is a practical book, for observing and making notes, and it is an invitation to take the leap into space-time. – Alec Finlay
“One Hundred Year Star-Diary” has been prepared in collaboration with Professor Ray Sharples (Durham University), Denis Moskowitz, and members of the Kielder Observatory Astronomical Society. The publication coincides with the launch of the Observatory 25 April, 2008 and is preceded by a series of billboard posters announcing key star events, presented in the North of England.