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I Went To Art Basel and All I Got Was This Mermaid Bag

M/L Artspace
Art Metropole
39 × 44.5 × 11.5 cm
Art Metropole Edition

“M/L Artspace is an artist run-project, created by artists Marie Karlberg and Lena Henke, both living in New York City. The general idea of M/L is to use spaces in New York to stage exhibitions outside of the (perhaps “off”) white-cube conventions of an artist-run gallery.

M/L aims to inclusively combine well-known artists alongside relatively unknown artists. We aim to work against hierarchical curatorial positions that opportunistically aim to construct affinity groups based solely off of the marketability of their social currency. We are more interested in gathering an unlikely mix of people that both works with and against this trend, so as to lasso the sensibilities of the unknown to the visibilities of the success. M/L has been a place where artists can experiment, free of market pressures and its consequent social approval. For us, the most important aspect has been to create good shows, where artist feel free to try new ways of showing new works and also have fun.”

  1. I Went To Art Basel and All I Got Was This Mermaid Bag

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