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Espace 134: Porn-O



Thinking About Pornography in a Different Way
André-Louis Paré

From Self-Portrait to Autopornography: Genealogy of a Feminist and Queer Practice Julie Lavigne 18 Museums and Circumventing “Pornography” in Their Artworks Jessica Ragazzini 28 Solitary Pleasures Unbound AM Trépanier 36 Fuck the Neoliberalism! The Art Activism and Post-Porn of MariaBasura Claire Lahuerta 44 A Promise of Heaven: One Genealogy of Porn-Informed Image-Making by Gay Artists Peter Dubé 54 The New Pornographers Charlene K. Lau 62 Michael Martini: Role Play & Wordplay Emma-Kate Guimond 72 The Grotesque and the Sublime in Five Penises Mayookh Barua

Porno Power Steven Audia

Singapore Biennale, Natasha Didier Morelli

Dominique Sirois, L’eau souillée est devenue poussière bleue sous les rayons du soleil Manel Benchabane 98 Diane Gougeon, Les papiers peints de demain Jean-Michel Quirion 100 Sonic Fields of Reflection Julia Eilers Smith 101 Jean-Maxime Dufresne et Virginie Laganière, La Montagne radieuse Noémie Fortin 103 Dawit L. Petros, Spazio Disponibile Alexia Pinto Ferretti 105 Josué Azor, Emmanuel Galland et Roberto Stephenson, Haïti — Territoires informels Geneviève Thibault 107 Lisette Lemieux, Tramer le monde Galadriel Avon 109 J’entends ton chaud murmure à travers la brume froide Ariel Rondeau 111 Undone Ray Cronin

Sophie Lapalu, Street Works. New York, 1969
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  1. espace 134

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