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Sarah Sze: Timekeeper

Sarah Sze
Gregory R. Miller & Co.
24 × 32 cm
208 pp
Site-specific, Sculpture

For over 20 years Sarah Sze (born 1969) has produced celebrated works of art, synthesizing a near boundless range of everyday materials into intricate constructions that are both delicate and overwhelming. Sze’s site-specific installation at the Rose Art Museum, Timekeeper, combines sculpture, video and installation into a sprawling experiential work that approaches some of the most complex themes of her career: time’s passage and its marking in mechanical and biological forms.

The Timekeeper installation was a catalyst for a book which explores major new ideas in Sze’s work and practice. The ambitious work is extensively documented here alongside significant new texts on Sze, her work and the experience of time.

Hardcover, colour.

  1. Sarah sze Timekeeper

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