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The World in Your Hand

Spector Books
Artists' Books
11 × 17.5 × 2.5 cm

This book of texts accompanies an exhibition at Kunsthaus Dresden. Edited by Miya Yoshida, Christiane Mennicke-Schwarz, Paul Feigelfeld, Jen Wenzel.

Over the past decades, almost no other technological innovation has been able to find such widespread dissemination so easily, or so rapidly, nor take such all-embracing possession of our daily lives, as the portable telephone. As camera, Walkman, organizer, navigating device, and post box for private and business messages, the mobile phone does not only represent a connection to the world for the affluent parts of the planet the cell phone conquers public urban spaces as well commercial ones and dissolves previous borders between them. Its use causes fundamental shifts in cultural codes and intervenes in social textures.

  1. The World in Your Hand

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