KAISERIN #04 / SECOND SEMESTRE 2008, POSTMODERN HARDCORE with Bertrand Le Pluard, Didier Fitan / A-P Fourtane, Cyril Sancereau, Ryan Pfluger, Joel Gibb / The Hidden Cameras, Oliver Rohe, Adriaan van der Ploeg, Eric Stephany, Christian Aschman, Paco y Manolo and Xavier Stentz.
“KAISERIN”, Founded and produced by Arnaud-Pierre Fourtané and Didier Fitan in 2006, is an independent bi-annual magazine published in France. The editorial aim is to re-establish the art magazine as something militant and committed. By presenting the work of renowned and emerging young artists, authors, photographers, graphic designers, illustrators and poets, KAISERIN addresses primarily male readers who identify with the tag “boys with problems”…
Edition of 1500.