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S + P 100, 26 piece set

Mitch Robertson
self published

S&P 100 were produced at the Koffler Gallery, Toronto during an exhibition in which the gallery was converted into a site where travel souvenirs were both manufactured and sold. Row upon row of male and female figurines, dressed in traditional costumes from countries around the world, lined the shelves of his “retail shop.” Modeled on salt and pepper shakers from the 1940s and ’50s, their presence recalled an era characterized by an increasing reliance on mass production, a rise in global travel, and an emerging global economy. Robertson’s solid plaster casts are distinguished from the brightly coloured originals in the obscurity of their white-on-white palette. Complete set of 13 unique pairs, #9 in an edition of 100.

  1. S + P 100, 26 piece set

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