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Handboek voor de Stadswildernis (Handbook for the City Wild)

Dutch Art Institute
Artists' Books
12.2 × 17.5 × 1 cm

This publication is a small pocket guide into the fringes of the urban landscape. Sections like Food, Shelter, Equipment and Dangers give you a wide variety of tips and tricks based on the daily survival techniques of homeless people. These tips give an insight into the resources the city offers for a life of the grid, but show at the same time how precarious and dangerous living without permanent shelter can be.

Text contributions by Henry David Thoreau, Bert and Holly Davis and Maria Cecillia Loschiavo dos Santos. Concept by Doris Denekamp and Noah Venezia.

  1. Handboek voor de Stadswildernis (Handbook for the City Wild)

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