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Brian Jungen

Brian Jungen
Art Metropole
Artists' Books
21 × 29.5 × 0.5 cm

An exhibition catalogue produced for the artist’s show at the Vienna Secession in 2003. Brian Jungen’s sculptural process renders culturally significant icons from products and materials native only to the wilds of suburban shopping malls. His serious commitment to technique is accompanied by a healthy sense of humour and intellect. Features many full-page colour installation shots of his Native Canadian ceremonial masks produced from Nike trainers, and a massive whale skeleton fashioned out of white plastic lawn chairs. Includes an introduction by Secession President Matthias Herrmann and an interview with the artist by Matthew Higgs. Biography and bibliography also included. Full German and English translations.


Art metropole ISBN:0-920956-71-8

  1. Brian Jungen

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