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METHODOLOGIES: A Community Notebook

Andrew Zealley
Disco Hospital Books & Records
Artists' Books
LGBTQ2S+, Canadian, Culture

METHodologies is a study about chemsex and PNP cultures in Toronto by Nick Mulé and Andrew Zealley. The study presents its findings through video, two vinyl phonograph records (an EP and an LP), and this chapbook, intended as a community resource and tool.

  1. Methodologies

Related Items

  1. Andrew Zealley: The Earth of the Clinic, A PSBEUYS workbook
  2. Andrew Zealley: MFAIDS
  3. Andrew Zealley: METHODOLOGY LP
  4. Andrew Zealley: METHODOLOGY EP
  5. Andrew Zealley: Black Light District
  6. Andrew Zealley: The Magic of the Think Machine Gods (LP)
  7. Andrew Zealley: Soft Subversions (2LP)
  8. Andrew Zealley: Heads On Platters (Undetectable III) LP
  9. Andrew Zealley: This is True to Me
  10. Andrew Zealley: The Quick and the Dead
  11. Andrew Zealley: FAGGOTS: a PSBEUYS workbook
  13. AA Bronson and Andrew Zealley: AA Bronson Healer
  14. Andrew Zealley: Empathetic Ear
  15. Greek Buck, Don Pyle, and Andrew Zealley: Messin with Greek Buck
  16. Chrysanne Stathacos and Andrew Zealley: New York City: One Garden One Year
  17. Chrysanne Stathacos and Andrew Zealley: untitled (key chain)
  18. Andrew Zealley: Electricity 13
  19. Don Pyle and Andrew Zealley: Proteus
  20. Andrew Zealley: NEW VARIANT LP
  21. Robert Flack and Andrew Zealley: This is True to Me
  22. Terence Koh and Andrew Zealley: A Beaver Tail (bookwork)
  23. Kids on TV, Times Neue Roman, and Andrew Zealley: Art Metronome 001
  24. Notes on Georg Simmel’s Lessons, 1906/07, and on a “Sociology of Art,“ c. 1909
  25. Andrew Zealley: Disco Hospital
  26. Shane Krepakevich: Notebook Based on the External Surface Area of my Body
  27. Cecilia Berkovic, Stephen Ellwood, Nestor Kruger, Yoko Ono, and Andrew Zealley: Advertising By Artists, full set
  28. Terence Koh and Andrew Zealley: A Beaver Tail
  29. Illusory Self #2
  30. Hank Bull: Me/You
  31. Aidan Baker, Eric Chenaux, Ryan Driver, Josh Thorpe, and Andrew Zealley: Art Metronome 002
  32. The April Memo: A Cultural Notebook
  33. Jesse Harris : Notebook