THANK GOD FOR ABORTION TYPESET is a font made exclusively for this zine. The Thank God for Abortion project has been an important model for the dissemination of radical political language to mobilize people to action. Regardless of whether or not you are a person of faith, we want to live in a world where all respect the autonomy of people in a democracy to decide over their access to healthcare.
The essay “Lose and Win Everything” was written by Thank God for Abortion founder Viva Ruiz and was originally published in the second GenderFail Anthology on Failure. This anthology invited artists such as Ruiz to reflect on the failure of collective groups, organizations and projects. The failures that projects such as Thank God for Abortion explore are palpable and important to acknowledge and talk through. Typesetting and designing Ruiz’s powerful essay in a font created from her own graphical work is so powerful. – GenderFail