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Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto
19 × 24 cm
416 pp
Contemporary Art, Canadian

The GTA21 catalogue includes interviews between 21 participating artists/collectives and the curators of Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto’s Greater Toronto Art 2021 exhibition. Featuring images of existing works and those in process, and contributions by writers Dionne Brand, Sheila Heti, and John Paul Ricco. Designed by Toronto studio Blok Design. Edited by Brian Sholis, Daisy Desrosiers, Rui Mateus Amaral, and November Paynter.

The exhibition features artists Ashoona Ashoona and Alexa Hatanaka, Ghazaleh Avarzamani, Nour Bishouty, Jesse Chun, Tom Chung, Common Accounts – Igor Bragado and Miles Gertler, Julia Dault, Azza El Siddique, Kareem-Anthony Ferreira, Aaron Jones, Pamila Matharu, Native Art Department International – Maria Hupfield and Jason Lujan, Oluseye, Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum, Jagdeep Raina, Tony Romano, Jennifer Rose Sciarrino, Walter Scott, Kara Springer, Sahar Te, The collective of Parastoo Anoushahpour, Faraz Anoushahpour and Ryan Ferko. The exhibition is curated by Daisy Desrosiers, Rui Mateus Amaral, and November Paynter.

  1. GTA21

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