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Splendid Isolation

Olga Chagaoutdinova, Miruna Dragan, Orest Semchishen, and George Webber
Esker Foundation
20 × 20 cm
148 pp

Images by Olga Chagaoutdinova, Miruna Dragan, Orest Semchishen and George Webber

A compendium publication to the photo-based exhibition Splendid Isolation. Resisting any introductions or other didactic material, this book contains 145 photographs from Olga Chagaoutdinova, Miruna Dragan, Orest Semchishen and George Webber. This wild mix of images intuitively mixes time, place, culture, language, artist, and image – an excellent addition to anyone’s image library.

ISBN 978-0-9811951-3-1
148 pages, soft cover
Colour and black & white photographs
20 × 20 cm

  1. George Webber

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