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Insahyt Catalog 700-779 V.1

Alexus Projects
18 × 24 × 1 cm

Insahyt Catalog 700-779 muses on why we may want print material in an era dominated by digital content, and explores moments which digital-only cannot yet offer. IC 700-779 aims to share work which is in process, experimental, breaks into new ideas of thought and is exciting to the creator.

IC 700-779: v.1: HAIR: Hair is sentimental, shows growth, shows loss, dyes but never dies.

participating artists:

Marie Allain, Shania Lane & Nicole Elliott, Shannyn Warren, Tessah Noreen,Iris Deng, Tim Schijns, Bridget Carey, Tristram Pinney, Sienna Sekand, Veronica Perez, Marie Boal, Alejandro Marcos & Anima May, Kristina Trofimova, Arshia Salesi, Raana Dehghan, Sharon Norwood, Teresa Audet, Luba Lygarewicz, Eresto Marenco, Dan Goodbaum, Courtney Lane.

  1. IC V1

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