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A Pining: by BRR

Art Metropole
6.5 × 10.5 × 1.5 cm
18 minutes
Cassette, Art Metropole Edition

A Pining is 17 minutes 57 seconds of hopelessly romantic synthesthesia on audio cassette, wrapped in a pop-up paper sculpture. The follow-up to the self-titled BRR book-and-record set (2012), this new work is anchored around one central theme: Dodgson & Fisher-Rozenberg’s yearning to create meaningful work, the triumphs and failures of that endeavor, and their acute inability to satiate it. A Pining wilts and blooms.

Audio cassette, edition of 150.

BRR is the collaborative work of Ryan Dodgson and Moshe Fisher-Rozenberg. Dodgson is a multi-disciplinary artist whose work has been known to take the form of drawings, prints, books, sculpture & performance. Fisher-Rozenberg is a composer and multi-instrumentalist best known for his work in Absolutely Free and formerly in DD/MM/YYYY.

  1. A Pining 1
  2. a pining cassette
  3. a pining

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