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I Would Do Anything For Love

Al Bedell
Badlands Unlimited
4.5 × 7 in
152 pgs

High school freshman Cecily Nicole Scott is looking for love in all the wrong places. She finds it first with Mike A in the back of his car. Then she meets Mike B, a “Professional Devirginizer.” Smart, tender, and depraved, IWDAFL is Spring Breakers meets Judy Blume.

I Would Do Anything For Love by Al Bedell is one of the New Lovers, a series of short erotic fiction published by Badlands Unlimited. Inspired by Maurice Girodias’ legendary Olympia Press, New Lovers features the raw and uncut writings of authors new to the erotic romance genre. Each story has its own unique take on relationships, intimacy, and sex, as well as the complexities that bedevil contemporary life and culture today.

Each novella in the New Lovers series is an independent story of about 12,000 – 18,000 words in length. I Would Do Anything For Love is an unfettered, fresh look at the rights of passage of adolescence (losing your virginity, drinking, kissing your friends) in all their amazing and terrifying glory.

The design of New Lovers pays homage to the classic covers of the books published by Olympia Press. The “soft-touch” lamination and embossed lettering on the front covers of the paperback editions make these novellas a precious edition to any library. Both paperback and ebook editions feature special color endpaper artworks.

  1. I Would Do Anything For Love

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