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Painter's Journal

Joshua Abelow
Artists' Books

Painter’s Journal is made up of six journals that chronicle Joshua Abelow’s first year living in New York in the late 90s.

  1. painter’s journal

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  13. Midnight Deer Abstractions
  14. Journal d’Echo
  15. Brian Kennon: Untitled #2 / KE
  16. Alan Belcher: 10.5
  17. Andrew Dadson: Cuneiform; Lynn Valley #10
  18. John Newling: The Last Islands
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  33. Subject Matter of the Artist: Writings by Robert Goodnough, 1950-1965
  34. Air Show
  35. Edwin Tran: Swiper
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  37. Tatjana Bergelt, Robert Bringhurst, John DeMerritt, Sarah Hulsey, Patricia Lagarde, Amanda Marchand, Daniel Mellis, Molly Schwartzburg, Stephanie Stillo, Laurie Whitehill, and Matvei Yankelevich: CODEX Papers: Volume 4