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Ten Fundamental Questions of Curating Edited by Jens Hoffmann

Jens Hoffmann
Mousse Publishing
Artists' Books
15.5 × 24 × 1.2 cm

Softcover, perfect bound, color accent pages, English text.

In Ten Fundamental Questions of Curating ten distinguished contemporary curators—Jessica Morgan, Juan A. Gaitán, Chus Martínez, Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy, Elena Filipovic, Maria Lind, João Ribas, Peter Eleey, Adriano Pedrosa and Dieter Roelstraete—pose and then propose answers to a series of key questions related to curating, art and exhibition making today: What Is a Curator? What Is the Public? What Is Art? What About Collecting? What Is an Exhibition? Why Mediate Art? What To Do with the Contemporary? What About Responsibility? What Is the Process? How About Pleasure?

The book, which began as a series of ten commissioned essays for Mousse magazine written over a period of two years, in 2011 to 2012, contains a text by Jens Hoffmann—Deputy Director and Head of Exhibitions and Public Programs of the Jewish Museum in New York and editor of the publication—and Milovan Farronato, Director of the Fiorucci Art Trust.

Ten Fundamental Questions of Curating is a project published by Mousse in collaboration with the Fiorucci Art Trust.

  1. Ten Fundamental Questions of Curating

Edited by Jens Hoffmann

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