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Idoine & Jeanne Lebrun: Idoine Magazine #16

Jeanne Lebrun
Pascale Riou, Coralie Guillaubez, and Eléonore Pano-Zavaroni
Artists' Books
10 × 24 cm
Interview, Conversations, Pamphlet, Contemporary Art, Art History

Jeanne Lebrun writes like she speaks, and speaks like she thinks. Her words are fast, powerful, critical and lively. Driven by curiosity and rage, she thinks about the world as she inhabits it. She’s always working, and has developed a practice where life and art are truly enmeshed. Family, friends and encounters enable her to think and invent practices both on her own and with others. A few years at art school confirmed for Jeanne what she wasn’t up for her. With neither naivety nor cynicism, she has carved out a place between indulgence and intransigence, founded on an ethic often shaped by adversity and continually reaffirmed.

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