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C Magazine Issue 148: Body Language

C Magazine
Canadian, Contemporary Art, Arts Writing, Criticism

Issue Contents

Tatum Dooley, Ivetta S.Y. Kang, and Philip Leonard Ocampo

Jaclyn Bruneau
Editorial: Body Language

Alex Quicho
“Cells interlinked within cells interlinked”: On Ambivalent Contamination

Theodore (ted) Kerr
What Are They Fighting For? On Oliver Husain, Kerstin Schroedinger, and the community who embraced DNCB as an experimental treatment for HIV

Lauren Fournier
The (Im)possibility of Healing: On Lauryn Youden

Johanna Hedva
Soft Blues

Preston Pavlis
Feeling The Spirit in The Dark

Artist Project
Anna Binta Diallo
Wanderings, with text by Noor Bhangu

Isabel Lewis
Composition: Invocation 1

Dayna Danger
One Thing: Bundles

Huda Hassan
Three-Thirty: Ebti Nabag, Aaron Jones, and Kelly Fyffe-Marshall

Raymond Boisjoly
Shame and Prejudice: A Story of Resilience: Kent Monkman

Greta Hamilton
I Confess: Moyra Davey

Alex Lepianka
Hands that gather and forget: Ana Luisa Bernárdez Notz and Sebastián Rodríguez y Vasti

Missy LeBlanc
amiskwacîwâskahikan: Jane Ash Poitras, MJ Belcourt Moses, Lauren Crazybull, Tanya Harnett, George Littlechild, Dwayne Martineau, Conor McNally, Lana Whiskeyjack

Brynn McNab
the commute: S F Ho, jaye simpson, Helena Krobath

Jesse Cumming
Picture Cycle: Essays: Masha Tupitsyn

Noor Alé
Gaawiin Ogiibagidenaawaasiiwaawan / They Did Not Let It Go: Robert Houle

Jonah Gray
The Gas Imaginary: Rachel O’Reilly — Abstract

  1. C Magazine Issue 148

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