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Lalakenis/All Directions: A Journey of Truth and Unity

Scott Watson and Lorna Brown
Beau Dick, Wanda Nanibush, Chief Robert Joseph, Guujaaw, Gyauustees, Linnea Dick, Charlotte Townsend-Gault, Tarah Hogue, and Shelly Rosenblum
Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery
20 × 29 cm
95 pp
Activism, Indigenous Art & Artists, Criticism, Performance Art, Available for Wholesale

Edited by Scott Watson and Lorna Brown, this richly illustrated hardcover book includes essays by Beau Dick, Chief Robert Joseph, Guujaaw, Gyauustees, Linnea Dick, Wanda Nanibush, Charlotte Townsend-Gault, Tarah Hogue and Shelly Rosenblum.

The catalogue offers visual documentation of the belongings that were gathered together and displayed in Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery during the Lalakenis exhibition, along with images from the two journeys that culminated in copper-breaking ceremonies: Awalaskenis I (February 2013) beginning in Quatsino and ending in Victoria, BC and Awalaskenis II (July 2014) which saw Beau Dick and 21 companions setting out from UBC for Ottawa. The copper-breaking ceremonies marked ruptured relationships in need of repair, and passed the burden of wrongs done to First Nations people from them to the Governments of BC and Canada, reviving a shaming rite that once was central to a complex economic system and symbol of justice, a traditional practice that had all but disappeared.

This publication reprints content from the exhibition guide in which Beau Dick comments on the significance and role of coppers and the motivating factors for the journeys; Guujaaw speaks of the Taaw copper he made to be broken in Ottawa; Linnea Dick reflects on instigating, along with her sister Geraldine, the earlier journey from Quatsino to Victoria; and Gyauustees speaks about the ceremonies he conducts as a pipe carrier. Added to these texts are new essays by Wanda Nanibush, Charlotte Townsend-Gault, Tarah Hogue and Shelly Rosenblum.

Hardcover, colour.

  1. Lalakenis

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