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Ecstatic Essays No. 02 : Thom Gill's Now & Neverending

Fan Wu
Blank Cheque Press
Artists' Books
5 × 7 in
36 pp
Arts Writing

“[Thom Gill] is no confessional lyricist nor genuflector at the booth of psychic interiority. He prefers the wiggy infinity of surfaces; he favours the indefinite address: the you, the he, and especially the now…Look around you. Cultivate a boy, a garden, a crush—risk the shame that may remain unredeemed.”

Ecstatic Essays is a series of pamphlets presenting nuanced opinions on obscure topics in arts & culture.

Fan Wu is a writer, student and incurable fantasist living in Toronto. He has published a chapbook of interpretive translations of Chinese poetry (Hoarfrost & Solace) and has edited an anthology of ten translation projects (Himalayan Musk Rambler). He runs a series of critical reading & writing workshops through Art Metropole.

Printed & bound by Colour Code

Softcover, saddle-stitched, risograph pamphlet

Edition of 100

July 2017

ISBN 978-0-9952644-2-7

  1. Thom Gill’s Now & Neverending

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