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Artists' Books
6 × 8 inches
96 pages

ivH: An Alphamath Serial is a book-length poem composed in the tradition of such precursors as Pythagoras, who taught that Number was the essence of all things; Plato, who argued that geometry was the foundation of all knowledge; Leonardo, whose work clearly follows the Renaissance aesthetics of mathematics and the mathematics of aesthetics; Descartes, Pascal, and d’Alembert, all of whom were both writers and mathematicians; Schopenhauer and Lewis Carroll, and then moderns such as Valéry and Ezra Pound, who, in his Spirit of Romance, declared that “poetry is a sort of inspired mathematics.” And now, in 2012, as the present moment in this literary trajectory, ivH: An Alphamath Serial has arrived in the form of a faux transtranslation of Raymond Queneau’s 1939 novel Un Rude Hiver!

  1. ivH

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