Periodical. Softcover, saddle stitched, French text.
Le Merle, Books of words and deeds.
Vol.2/No.1 Summer 2014.
This new edition of Le Merle derives from several encounters on the occasion of two exceptionnal seminars held in France in the summer of 2013. The issue includes Corbeau by the clinical psychologist Josep Raffanel i Orra, Virtual Fence : Petite histoire du filet qui existait entre ses mailles by Rotor and Hommegros, Brèves notes sur la philosophie (dramatique) des possessions by Érik Bordeleau, the text Immanence radicale et révolution : Descendre avec Daniel Colson dans le puits sans fond de l’intériorité by Hector Bufo and lastly Anarchisme et monadologie by the historian and philosopher Daniel Colson.
This issue of Le Merle is in french only.