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Scapegoat 05: Excess

15 × 23 × 2.5 cm

SCAPEGOAT: Architecture | Landscape | Political Economy is an independent, not-for-profit, bi-annual journal designed to create a context for research and development regarding design practice, historical investigation, and theoretical inquiry.

As a mytheme, the figure of the scapegoat carries the burden of the city and its sins. Walking in exile, the scapegoat was once freed from the constraints of civilization. Today, with no land left unmapped, and with processes of urbanization central to political economic struggles, SCAPEGOAT is exiled within the reality of global capital. The journal examines the relationship between capitalism and the built environment, confronting the coercive and violent organization of space, the exploitation of labour and resources, and the unequal distribution of environmental risks and benefits. Throughout our investigation of design and its promises, we return to the politics of making as a politics to be constructed.

05: Excess

Editorial Note and Table of Contents

Prachi KAMDAR, Political Typography Manifesto

Stuart KENDALL, Toward General Economy

Georges BATAILLE, The Economy Equal to the Universe, translated by Stuart KENDALL

Martti KALLIALA, Diagrams, Comfort, and the General Economy

Jean BAUDRILLARD, When Bataille Attacked the Metaphysical Principle of the Economy, translated by Stuart KENDALL

ÉPOPÉE, “Nous la forêt”— An Interview on the Québec Student Uprising

Sam LEACH, From the Dataset of the Multiverse

Diana BERESFORD-KROEGER in Conversation with Kika THORNE, Quantum Violin

Lisa HIRMER, The Spit

Natasha GINWALA and Vivian ZIHERL, Landings: On Sounding the Earth

Vicki DASILVA, Three Works

Erin SCHNEIDER, Terra Vivos, or, the Reinforced Luxury of Post-apocalyptic Dwelling

Danielle MCDONOUGH, Nitrogen, Addiction, and the Unlikely Relatively of Explosions

Filipe MAGALHÃES and Ana Luisa SOARES (Fala Atelier), The Future That Never Happened

Thomas PROVOST, In Infinity, Eternity Performs

Eyal WEIZMAN in Conversation with Heather DAVIS, Proportionality, Violence & the Economy of Calculations, with Dronestagram excerpts by James BRIDLE

Ariella AZOULAY, Architecture of Destruction, Dispossession & Appropriation

Amanda DE LISIO, Event Urbanism and the Politics of Enthusiasm, with photography by Jon PACK and Gary HUSTWIT (Olympic City Project)

Abidin KUSNO in Conversation with Meredith MILLER & Etienne TURPIN, Urban Temporalities: Jakarta after the New Order, with photography by David HUTAMA

Jennifer JACQUET, Shame Totem 2.0/2.1

Srimoyee MITRA, On Border Cultures

Jeffrey MONAGHAN & Kevin WALBY, New Camelot: The Unbearable Lightness of Canada’s Twenty-First-Century Security Architecture

A Cooperation between HEBBEL AM UFER & RAUMLABORBERLIN, The World is Not Fair: The Great World’s Fair 2012

John Paul RICCO, Drool: Liquid Fore-speech of the Fore-scene, with images by pHgH

Anna-Sophie SPRINGER, The Museum as Archipelago

An Interview with Syl

  1. Scapegoat 05: Excess

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