Xenomorph is a transgressive creative process in the form of a publication. The name and inspiration is taken from the fictional extraterrestrial species in the 1979 film Alien. This approach provides a method wherein the need to create is not dependant on appropriate content. Ideas are not collected, curated and coddled; they are immobilized, infected and destroyed. In the process a new idea bursts forth in the form of a publication. Questions of style, aesthetics and referentiality can be disregarded. Production occurs whenever the opportunity arises, or rather whenever a suitable host is found. However, like some sort of fatal horizontal gene transfer, the publication retains some of the host’s characteristics. This three-pack version includes the first three iterations of this exercise. This zine was a part of Hard Copy: Edmonton’s Zine and Artists’ Book Fair, held at Latitude 53, the summer of 2013.