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Suzanne Perrin
Artists' Books
12 × 16.5 × 0.4 cm

Les Iris, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland. Topology of a small street on the side of Neuchâtel lake, broaded with hybrid constructions between huts and country cottages, in a leisure zone near the camp-site. To live somewhere else in one’s own town, as these houses are only for people living in Yverdon, only five months a year following the law. A fishermen’s village which became «the Free Iris Community» since 1959.

Photographies as portraits in the absence, swallows on a frontage, a small rocking horse behind a window, fairy-tale wells. Flovalmar, Le P’tit Vercorin, Mon Abri, Le Kenya, Le Refuge, Le Chèvrefeuille, Les 4 Vents, Zika, Le Pingouin, La Guinche, Le Relais, L’Ecureuil, Mon Rêve, La Gruyère, Sam Sufy, La Lagune, Les Roseaux, Les Jonquières, Chez Françoise.What remains today of this social and political utopia?

Edition of 300.

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