A Conversation between Mitchell Akiyama, Charles Stankievech, and Anna-Sophie Springer
The intercalations: paginated exhibition series is an experimental foray exploring the structure of the book as a potential curatorial space. As the reader-as-exhibition viewer moves through the book-as-exhibition, she discovers that the erratic intercalations of the Anthropocene invite new forms of literacy, visuality, inquiry,and speculation that are, in the words of Clarice Lispector, less promiscuous than they are kaleidoscopic.
To celebrate the launch of intercalations 1 and 2, please join us for a conversation between Mitchell
Akiyama, Anna-Sophie Springer, and Charles Stankievech about things such as speaking monkeys, cats and
men, and libraries in the Anthropocene.
Mitchell Akiyama is a Toronto-based scholar, composer, artist, and a contributing author to intercalations 2.
Anna-Sophie Springer is co-editor of the intercalations series and co-director of K. Verlag.
Charles Stankievech also co-directs K. Verlag and is the art director of intercalations.